1. Dept of Zoology and Biodiversity Research Centre; Univ. of British Columbia; Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4 Canada
2. Dept of Biology; McGill Univ.; Montreal QC Canada
3. Dept of Biology; Univ. of Massachusetts Boston; Boston MA USA
4. School of Natural Resources and Environment; Univ. of Michigan; Ann Arbor MI USA
5. Tennenbaum Marine Observatories Network, Smithsonian Institution; Washington DC USA
6. Dept of Marine Sciences; Univ. of Gothenburg; Göteborg Sweden
7. Dept of Biosciences; Swansea Univ.; Singleton Park Swansea UK
8. Dept of Biology; Western Washington Univ.; Bellingham WA USA
9. Center for Ecosystem Science and Society, Dept of Biological Sciences; Northern Arizona Univ.; Flagstaff AZ USA
10. Centre for Forest Research; Univ. du Québec à Montréal; Centre-ville Station Montréal QC Canada
11. Inst. on the Environment; Univ. of Minnesota; Twin Cities Saint Paul MN USA
12. Research Development Office; Univ. of California at San Francisco; San Francisco CA USA