1. Environmental Solutions Geological Survey of Finland Viestikatu 7A, PO Box 1237 Kuopio FI‐70211 Finland
2. School of Forest Sciences University of Eastern Finland PO Box 111, FI‐ 80101 Joensuu Finland
3. Department of Forest Sciences University of Helsinki PO Box 27 00014 Helsinki Finland
4. Natural Resources Unit Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) Latokartanonkaari 9 Helsinki 00790 Finland
5. Carbon Neutral Solutions VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland PO Box 1000 Espoo FI‐02044 VTT Finland
6. Environmental Solutions Geological Survey of Finland Vuorimiehentie 5, PO Box 96 Espoo FI‐02151 Finland
7. Service Groups Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) Oulu Finland