1. 1. ThomasSutton, Tracts on Delirium tremens, on peritonitis, and on the gout , Th. Underwood, London (1813 ). [On delirium tremens, pp. 1 -77 ; 16 cases reported, chiefly treated by opium.]. John Ware, Remarks on the history and treatment of delirium tremens. N. Hale, Boston (1831). (61 pp.); id; Appendix, Boston, 1858 (4 pp.). [Refers to "many publications which have been made on d.t."(!) He quotes, however, only: Hayward, New Engl. Med. J., x, 1822. Rich symptomatology. Therapy: stresses the danger of opium, and favours more an expectant therapy.].
2. 2. CassiiFelicis deMedicinaDe graecis logicae selectae auctoribus liber translatus, etc. Nunc primum editus a Valentino Rose. Lipsiae, in aedibus B. G. Teubner (1879 ).
3. 3. W. D. SharpfIsidore of Seville.Cassius' description of delirium tremens was mentioned in:The Medical Writings, Transact. Am. Philos. Soc, New Series, vol. 54, Part 2, 1964 (see p. 66 ).