1. 1. The Behaviour of Short Fatigue Cracks, K. J. Miller, and E. R. Rios (1986 ) (), EGF Publ. No. 1, Mech. Engng Publ., Inst. Mech. Engrs, London.
2. 2. Short Fatigue Cracks, K. J. Miller, and E. R. Rios (1992 ) (), ESIS 13, Mech. Engng Publ., Inst. Mech. Engrs, London.
3. 3. Small Fatigue Cracks, R. O. Ritchie, and J. Lankford (1986 ) (), AIME., Warrendale, Pa.
4. Initiation of fatigue cracks in commercial aluminium alloys and the subsequent propagation of very short cracks