1. 1 ASTM E1457-98 (1998 ) Standard test method for measurement of creep crack growth rates in metals. ASTM International, Philadelphia .
2. 2 CRETE (1994 ) Development and harmonisation of creep crack growth testing for industrial specimens: A route to a European Code Practice , CORDIS RTD-PROJECTS (European Communities), Record Control Number: 55425Available at: (http://dbs.cordis.lu/).
3. 3 L. Laiarinandrasana, and M. R. Kabiri , (2004 ) Specimen geometry effects on 316L(N) creep crack growth analyses . In: KTH Stockholm, SwedenAugust 2004 (Cdrom 8 pages).
4. 4 M. R. Kabiri (2003 ) PhD thesis . 'High temperature cracking of steels: effects of geometry on creep crack growth laws 'Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, in French.
5. 5 L. Laiarinandrasana, R. Piques, R. Kabiri, B. Drubay, and A. Gupta (2001 ) . (Edited by). Washington, U.S.A., 2001 (Cdrom 12 pages).