1. Graduate School of EducationNagasaki University Nagasaki Japan
2. School of Psychological ScienceHealth Sciences University of Hokkaido Sapporo Japan
3. Center for Health and Community MedicineNagasaki University Nagasaki Japan
4. Department of Occupational TherapySchool of Health and Social ServicesSaitama Prefectural University Saitama Japan
5. Center for the Study of Higher Education and Global AdmissionsOsaka University Suita Japan
6. Cognitive and Molecular Research Institute of Brain DiseasesKurume University Kurume Japan
7. Faculty of LiteratureBeppu University Beppu Japan
8. Department of Medical Research and Management for Musculoskeletal Pain22nd Century Medical and Research CenterFaculty of MedicineThe University of Tokyo‐Hospital Tokyo Japan
9. Department of Behavioral MedicineTohoku University Graduate School of Medicine Sendai Japan