1. Validation of a rapid DNA process with the RapidHIT ® ID system using GlobalFiler ® Express chemistry, a platform optimized for decentralized testing environments
2. US Federal Bureau of Investigation.CODIS biometric analysis rapid DNA fact page;http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/lab/biometric-analysis/codis/rapid-dna-analysis(accessed August 6 2018).
3. Federal Bureau of Investigation.Addendum to the Quality Assurance Standards for DNA databasing laboratories performing Rapid DNA analysis and modified Rapid DNA analysis using a Rapid DNA instrument effective December 1 2014;https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/addendum-to-qas-for-rapid-dna.pdf(accessed August 6 2018).
4. Federal Bureau of Investigation.Quality Assurance Standards for DNA databasing laboratories effective September 1 2011;https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/quality-assurance-standards-for-dna-databasing-laboratories.pdf(accessed August 6 2018).
5. Federal Bureau of Investigation.Quality Assurance Standards for forensic DNA testing laboratories effective September 1 2011;https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/quality-assurance-standards-for-forensic-dna-testing-laboratories.pdf(accessed August 6 2018).