False‐negative probability in the SEM/EDS automated discovery of iGSR particles: A Bayesian approach


Onetto Martín A.123ORCID,Carignano Edgardo4,Pregliasco Rodolfo G.13


1. Sección Física Forense, Centro Atómico Bariloche/Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA) San Carlos de Bariloche Argentina

2. Instituto Balseiro Universidad Nacional de Cuyo/Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA) San Carlos de Bariloche Argentina

3. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) C1033AAJ Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sección Física Forense, Centro Atómico Bariloche/Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica (CNEA) San Carlos de Bariloche Argentina

4. Laboratorio Forense Rosario, Organismo de Investigaciones, Ministerio Público de Acusación (MPA) Santa Fe Argentina


AbstractThe automated search software integrated with a scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDS) has been the standard tool for detecting inorganic gunshot residues (iGSR) for several decades. The detection of these particles depends on various factors such as collection, preservation, contamination with organic matter, and the method for sample analysis. This article focuses on the influence of equipment resolution setup on the backscattered electron images of the sample. The pixel size of these images plays a crucial role in determining the detectability of iGSR particles, especially those with sizes close to the pixel size. In this study, we calculated the probability of missing all characteristic iGSR particles in a sample using an SEM/EDS automated search and how it depends on the image pixel resolution setup. We developed and validated an iGSR particle detection model that links particle size with equipment registers and applied it to 320 samples analyzed by a forensic science laboratory. Our results show that the probability of missing all characteristic iGSR particles due to their size is below 5% for pixel sizes below 0.32 μm2. These findings indicate that pixel sizes as large as twice the one commonly used in laboratory casework, that is, 0.16 μm2, are effective for initial sample scanning, yielding good detection rates of characteristic particles that could exponentially reduce laboratory workload.




Genetics,Pathology and Forensic Medicine








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