1. American Association of Health Plans . 2003 . "Mandate Review Laws (as of June 2003)."
2. Association of American Medical Colleges . 2005 . "Member Medical Schools" [accessed August 17, 2005]. Available athttp://services.aamc.org/memberlistings/index.cfm?fuseaction=home.search&search_type=MS&wildcard_criteria=&state_criteria=CNT%3AUSA&image=Search
3. Association of Schools of Public Health . 2005 . "Full Members" [accessed August 17, 2005]. Available athttp://www.asph.org/document.cfm?page=200
4. The Future of Employment-Based Health Insurance
5. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association . 2004 . "State Mandated Benefit Evaluation Laws." State Legislative Health Care and Insurance Issues. 2004 Survey of Plans. Office of Policy.