Prevalence of toxoplasmosis and its association with dementia in older adults in Central Africa: a result from the EPIDEMCA programme


Bouscaren Nathalie12,Pilleron Sophie12,Mbelesso Pascal123,Ndamba-Bandzouzi Bébène4,Dartigues Jean-François5,Clément Jean-Pierre126,Preux Pierre-Marie127,Dardé Marie-Laure128,Guerchet Maëlenn129,


1. INSERM UMR1094; Tropical Neuroepidemiology; Limoges France

2. Faculty of Medicine; University Hospital of Limoges; Institute of Neuroepidemiology and Tropical Neurology; CNRS FR 3503 GEIST; Limoges France

3. Department of Neurology; Amitié Hospital; Bangui Central African Republic

4. Department of Neurology; University Hospital of Brazzaville; Brazzaville Congo

5. INSERM U897, ISPED; Victor Segalen Bordeaux II University; Bordeaux France

6. Hospital and University Federation of Adult and Geriatric Psychiatry; Limoges France

7. Centre of Epidemiology, Biostatistic, and Research Methodology; University Hospital of Limoges; CEBIMER; Limoges France

8. Department of Parasitology and Biological Resource Centre for Toxoplasma; CHU Limoges; Limoges France

9. King's College London; Centre for Global Mental Health; Health Service and Population Research Department; Institute of Psychiatry; Psychology and Neuroscience; London UK


Agence Nationale de la Recherche




Infectious Diseases,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Parasitology

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