Hyperlipidaemia prevalence and cholesterol control in obstructive sleep apnoea: Data from the European sleep apnea database (ESADA)


Gunduz C.12ORCID,Basoglu O. K.2,Hedner J.34,Bonsignore M. R.56,Hein H.7,Staats R.8,Bouloukaki I.9,Roisman G.10,Pataka A.11,Sliwinski P.12,Ludka O.1314,Pepin J. L.15,Grote L.34ORCID,Steiropoulos P.,Verbraecken J.,Petiet E.,Trakada G.,Montserrat JM,Fietze I,Penzel T,Rodenstein D,Masa JF,Schiza S,Kent B,McNicholas WT,Ryan S,Riha RL,Kvamme JA,Schulz R,Zou D,Pépin JL,Levy P,Bailly S,Lavie L,Lavie P,Tasbakan MS,Varoneckas G,Joppa P,Tkacova R,Barbé F,Lombardi C,Parati G,Drummond M,van Zeller M,Marrone O,Petitjean M,Pretl M,Vitols A,Dogas Z,Galic T,Anttalainen U,Saaresranta T,Plywaczewski R,Bielicki P,


1. From the Department of Chest Diseases Biruni University Istanbul Turkey

2. Department of Chest Diseases Ege University Izmir Turkey

3. Center for Sleep and Vigilance Disorders, Sahlgrenska Academy Gothenburg University GothenburgSweden

4. Sleep Disorders Center, Pulmonary Department Sahlgrenska University Hospital Gothenburg Sweden

5. Biomedical Department of Internal and Specialist Medicine (DiBiMIS), Section of Pneumology University of Palermo PalermoItaly

6. CNR Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular Immunology Palermo Italy

7. Sleep Disorders Center St. Adolf Stift Reinbeck Germany

8. Department of Respiratory Medicine Hospital de Santa Maria Lisbon Portugal

9. Sleep Disorders Unit, Department of Respiratory Medicine University of Crete Heraklion Greece

10. Sleep Disorders Center Antoine‐Beclere Hospital Clamart France

11. Respiratory Failure Unit G. Papanikolaou Hospital Thessaloniki Greece

12. 2nd Department of Respiratory Medicine Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Warsaw Poland

13. Department of Cardiology University Hospital Brno BrnoCzech Republic

14. International Clinical Research Center St. Ann's University Hospital Brno Czech Republic

15. INSERM U1042, CHU de Grenoble Université Grenoble Alpes Grenoble France


ResMed Foundation




Internal Medicine








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