Spreading depolarizations pose critical energy challenges in acute brain injury


Lindquist Britta E.123ORCID


1. Department of Neurology University of California San Francisco California USA

2. Gladstone Institute of Neurological Diseases San Francisco California USA

3. Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center San Francisco California USA


AbstractSpreading depolarization (SD) is an electrochemical wave of neuronal depolarization mediated by extracellular K+ and glutamate, interacting with voltage‐gated and ligand‐gated ion channels. SD is increasingly recognized as a major cause of injury progression in stroke and brain trauma, where the mechanisms of SD‐induced neuronal injury are intimately linked to energetic status and metabolic impairment. Here, I review the established working model of SD initiation and propagation. Then, I summarize the historical and recent evidence for the metabolic impact of SD, transitioning from a descriptive to a mechanistic working model of metabolic signaling and its potential to promote neuronal survival and resilience. I quantify the energetic cost of restoring ionic gradients eroded during SD, and the extent to which ion pumping impacts high‐energy phosphate pools and the energy charge of affected tissue. I link energy deficits to adaptive increases in the utilization of glucose and O2, and the resulting accumulation of lactic acid and CO2 downstream of catabolic metabolic activity. Finally, I discuss the neuromodulatory and vasoactive paracrine signaling mediated by adenosine and acidosis, highlighting these metabolites' potential to protect vulnerable tissue in the context of high‐frequency SD clusters.image


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke




Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience,Biochemistry








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