1. 1. The results of the present study are compared with Hufbauerand Schott'sfindings in section V.
2. 2. I will not consider the possibility that a sanction only aims at satisfying the public opinion in the sender country. See, e. g., Lindsay[1986 , p.156 ].
3. 3. Note, however, that if relevant variables are omitted, the estimated coefficients may just be attributing to included variables things that should be attributed to excluded but related variables.
4. 4. Hufbauerand Schotttry to by-pass the problem by introducing a special dummy variable for this period [Hufbauer, and Schott, 1985 , p.101 ]. This dummy turns out to be the most significant variable in their empirical research [p. 103]. This justifies the restriction of the time-span of my investigation to the years 1946-1983.
5. 5. Hufbauer, and Schott, e.g., code the British sanctions against Argentina in 1982 as relatively successful in 'getting Argentina off the Falklands'. The Royal Marines appear more deserving of the credit.