1. Internal Intensive Care Unit Baskent University Ankara Hospital Ankara Turkey
2. Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing Baskent University Ankara Turkey
AbstractIntroductionThis is a phenomenologically designed qualitative study conducted to explore and conceptualize the problems experienced by intensive care nurses caring for patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy.MethodsFace‐to‐face, semi‐structured interviews were conducted with the participants. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, then thematic analysis was conducted.ResultsThe study was conducted 12 intensive care nurses. As a result, 3 main and 6 sub‐themes were identified. The themes identified were changing routines, uncertainty in terms of patient benefit, and need for adaptation.ConclusionIt was found that nurses experienced challenges in providing care to patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy, spent more effort to prevent complications, and lacked information on the subject. It is recommended to consider institutional and individual actions to meet the educational needs of nurses for implementing continuous renal replacement therapy.