1. Institute of Marine Research Flødevigen Norway
2. Institute of Marine Research Bergen Norway
3. The Directorate of Fisheries Trondheim Norway
4. Institute of Marine Research Tromsø Norway
AbstractElucidating the effects of domesticated organisms escaping into the natural environment represents a topic of importance in both evolutionary and conservation biology. However, when excluding the abundant data on salmonids, there is a lack of knowledge on this topic for marine fish aquaculture, which continues to expand globally. In order to bridge this empirical gap, we investigated a suspected escape of sexually mature domesticated Atlantic cod from a commercial marine fish farm in northern Norway. This involved genotyping samples of fish from cages on the farm, putatively identified escapees and wild cod captured in the region and samples of recently spawned eggs collected in the sea. Genetic analyses confirmed a farmed ancestry of the suspected escapees, and significantly, 27% of the sampled cod eggs. Furthermore, statistical analyses revealed a strong reduction in genetic variation in all samples of the farmed cod, including low effective population size and high degree of siblingship. These results thus document the escape of sexually mature adult cod and the release of fertilized domesticated cod eggs into the natural environment. Although it is possible that some of the mature escapees spawned post‐escape, the fact that only a single egg of potential hybrid farmed × wild origin was identified, together with the high number of mature cod in the farm, points to within cage spawning as the primary source of these eggs. This suggestion is supported by oceanic particle‐drift modelling, verifying that transport of eggs between the farm and the egg sampling locations was plausible. This study represents a rare documentation of interaction between domesticated and wild populations for a marine fish, pointing towards potential impacts on the local wild population.
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