Policy directions to support generational renewal in European farming systems


Coopmans Isabeau1,Dessein Joost2,Accatino Francesco3,Antonioli Federico4,Gavrilescu Camelia5,Gradziuk Piotr6,Manevska‐Tasevska Gordana7,Meuwissen Miranda8,Peneva Mariya9,Soriano Bárbara10,Urquhart Julie11,Wauters Erwin12


1. Agricultural and Farm Development Institute for Agricultural Food and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Belgium, Division of Bioeconomics KU Leuven Belgium

2. Department of Agricultural Economics Ghent University Belgium

3. INRAE, AgroParisTech Université Paris‐Saclay, UMR SADAPT 75005 Paris France

4. Department of Agriculture and Forest Sciences Università della Tuscia Viterbo Italy

5. Romanian Institute of Agricultural Economics Romania

6. Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development Polish Academy of Sciences Poland

7. Agrifood Economic Centre Department of Economics Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Sweden

8. Business Economics Wageningen University and Research The Netherlands

9. Department of Natural Resources Economics University of National and World Economy Bulgaria

10. Research Centre for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (CEIGRAM) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Spain

11. Countryside and Community Research Institute University of Gloucestershire UK

12. Agricultural and Farm Development Institute for Agricultural Food and Fisheries Research (ILVO) Belgium




Geography, Planning and Development

Reference10 articles.

1. The Succession Crisis in European Agriculture

2. Farm, place and identity construction among Irish farm youth who migrate

3. A Recruitment Crisis in Agriculture? A Reply to Heike Fischer and Rob J.F. Burton'sUnderstanding Farm Succession as Socially Constructed Endogenous Cycles

4. Promoting structural adjustment in agriculture: The economics of New Entrant Schemes for farmers

5. Eurostat(2020).Eurostat Survey on the structure of agricultural holdings (Eurostat: Luxembourg). Available online at:https://appsso.euros​tat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?datas​et=ef_m_farma​ng&lang=en(Last accessed: 17 February 2020).








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