1. 1. D. Colquhoun Challenging the tyranny of impact factors. Available at: http://www.vetscite.org/cgi-bin/pw.exe/issue4/news/001186.htm. Accessed June 25 2003
2. 2. E. Garfield The impact factor. Institute for Scientific Information. Available at: http://www.isinet.com/isi/hot/essays/journalcitationreports/8.html. Accessed June 20 2003
3. 3. E. Garfield Using the impact factor. Institute for Scientific Information. Available at: http://www.isinet.com/isi/hot/essays/jour-nalcitationreports/8.html. Accessed June 20 2003
4. 4. Institute for Scientific Information websiteAvailable at: http://www.isinet.com. Accessed June 25 2003
5. The politics of publication