1. IrisZorg (center for addiction care and sheltered housing), Arnhem/Clinical Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands
2. IrisZorg (center for addiction care and sheltered housing) Arnhem/Nijmegen Institute for Scientist‐Practitioners in Addiction (NISPA) Nijmegen The Netherlands
3. Centre for Consultation and Expertise Gouda The Netherlands
4. Division Julius Centre University Medical Centre Utrecht Utrecht The Netherlands
5. Nijmegen Institute for Scientist‐Practitioners in Addiction (NISPA), Behavioral Science Institute Radboud University Nijmegen Nijmegen The Netherlands
6. Research Group Mental Health Nursing, Amsterdam/Amsterdam University Medical Center (location VUmc), Department of Psychiatry, Amsterdam Public Health research institute, Amsterdam/Parnassia Psychiatric Institute Inholland University of Applied Sciences The Hague The Netherlands