1. Iraci Nilza 2002. Communications coordinator, GeledCs-Institute of Black Women. SPo Paulo, August 15.
2. Vargas Regina . 2002. Administrative coordinator, Themis Legal Consulting and Gender Studies Center. Email interview, August 15.
3. Banks Karen , Sally Burch , Irene Leon , Sonia Boezak , and Liz Probert. 2000. Networking for Change: the Apcwnsp's First 8 Years. In Women in Sync: a Toolkit for Electronic Networking Association for Progressive Communications Women's Networking Support Programme. http:www.apcwomen.orgnetsupportsyncsync.html.
4. Daz Edelmira 2001. Coordinator, Women Peasants Project and Trama Network of Technicians of the Secretary of Agriculture, Poultry, Cattle, Fishing and Nutrition, Telephone interview. Buenos Aires, October 30.
5. Altchul Monique 2001. President and founder, Women's Equality Foundation. Buenos Aires, October 31.