1. Convention on the rights of the child;UN general assembly;UN Treaty Series,1989
2. ESRD Policies and the Delivery of Pediatric Long-term Dialysis Care in the United States
3. GAO‐01‐498 report to congressional requesters on organ transplants: allocation policies include special protections for children.2001:1–44.
4. Ethical principles of pediatric organ allocation. Updated November 2014. Accessed August 2 2022.https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/professionals/by‐topic/ethical‐considerations/ethical‐principles‐of‐pediatric‐organ‐allocation/
5. Organ procurement and transplantation network (OPTN) policies. Accessed August 2 2022.https://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/media/eavh5bf3/optn_policies.pdf