Trends in MDMA‐related mortality across four countries


Roxburgh Amanda123ORCID,Sam Bulent4,Kriikku Pirkko56,Mounteney Jane7ORCID,Castanera Antonio8,Dias Mario89,Giraudon Isabelle710


1. Behaviours and Health Risks Program Burnet Institute Melbourne Australia

2. Discipline of Addiction Medicine, the Central Clinical School, Sydney Medical School, the Faculty of Medicine and Health University of Sydney Sydney Australia

3. National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre UNSW Sydney Australia

4. Member of the Council of Mortality Related Cases, the Council of Forensic Medicine of Ministry of Justice Turkey

5. Forensic Toxicology Unit Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare Helsinki Finland

6. Department of Forensic Medicine University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland

7. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) Lisbon Portugal

8. Serviço de Quimica e Toxicologia Forenses do Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses Lisboa Portugal

9. Laboratório de Ciências Forenses e Psicológicas Egas Moniz Almada Portugal

10. University NOVA and National School of Public Health Lisbon Portugal




Psychiatry and Mental health,Medicine (miscellaneous)

Reference45 articles.

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5. European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).EMCDDA Statistical Bulletin 2020. Lisbon Portugal: EMCDDA;2020.







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