1. Anon. (1981 ) Seed potato virus testing programme . Annual Report on Research and Technical Work of the Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland, 1980, p.176 .
2. Anon. (1982 ) Seed potato virus testing programme . Annual Report on Research and Technical work of the Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland, 1981, pp.185 -186 .
3. Anon. (1983 ) Classified list of potato varieties, England and Wales 1983/84 . National Institute of Agricultural Botany Booklet, pp.1 -11 .
4. Characteristics of the Microplate Method of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for the Detection of Plant Viruses
5. G. Cockerham (1955 ) Strains of potato virus X . Proceedings of the Second Conference of Potato Virus Diseases, Lisse-Wageningen 1954, pp.89 -92 .