1. N.C Atreya, and J.P. Dick(1980 ) The determination of residues of the acid metabolite of fluazifop-butyl in crops-a gas-liquid chromatographic method ,ICl Ltd, Plant Protection Division, Analytical Method No. 52.
2. N.C. Atreya, J.P. Dick, and B Upton(1983 ) The determination of residues of total fluazifop (fluazifop-butyl, fluazifop and conjugate esters) in crops ,ICI Ltd, Plant Protection Division, Analytical Method No. 62/2.
3. Uptake and Translocation of Fluazifop by Three Annual Grasses
4. Gas chromatographic analysis of fluazifop-butyl (Fusilade) in potatoes, soybeans, and soil