1. R.J. Chancellor(1968 ) The occurrence and growth of re-inhibited shoots and dormant buds on fragmented rhizomes of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv, Proc. 9th Br. Weed Control Conf., 125 -130 .
2. The development of dominance amongst shoots arising from fragments of Agropyron repens rhizomes
3. G.W. Cussans(1968 ) The growth and development of Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. in competition with cereals, field beans and oil-seed rape. Proc. 9th Br. Weed Control Conl., 131 -136 .
4. G.W. Cussans(1970 ) A study of the competition betweenAgropvriin repens(L.) Beauv. and spring-sown barley, wheat and field beans. Proc 10th Br. Weed Control Conf., 337 -343 .