1. 1Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, "Waste Acceptance Preliminary Specifications of the Defense Waste Processing Facility High-Level Waste Form ," U.S. DOE Report No. OGR/B-8, Rev. 1, February1988 .
2. 2U.S. Department of Energy, Savannah River Site, "Defense Waste Processing Facility Waste Form Compliance Plan ," U.S. DOE Report No. WSRC-SW4-6, March1990 .
3. 4W. J. Gray , "Volatility of a Zinc Borosilicate Glass Containing Simulated High-Level Radioactive Waste ," U.S. DOE Report No. BNWL-2111, 1976 ; W. J. Gray, "Volatility of Some Potential High-Level Radioactive Waste Forms,"Radioact. Waste Manage.,1, 147 (1989).