1. 1V. K. Nangia , Materials for Coal Conversion and Use, Val. II, Parts 1 and 2, DOE Report FE-2468-59, October1979 .
2. 2D. J. McFarlin, C. T. Sgamboti, and R. D. Lessard , Ceramic Heat Exchanger Applications Study, UTRC82-34, June1982 .
3. 3M. Combs, D. Kotchick, and H. Warren , High-Temperature Ceramic Heat Exchanger, EPRI FP-1127, July1979 .
4. 4V. J. Tennery , Economic Application, Design Analyses, and Material Availability for Ceramic Heat Exchangers, ORNLiTM-7580, January1981 .
5. 5B. A. Nagaraj, and J. R. A. Lowder , "High-Temperature Corrosion of Candidate Ceramic Heat Exchanger Materials by Coal Combustion Products"; Presented at High Temperature Materials Chemistry Symposium, The Electrochemical Society, San Francisco, May1983 .