Simultaneous visualization of the actin plate and new cell partition membrane during cytokinesis in the brown algaSphacelaria rigidula(Sphacelariales, Phaeophyceae)


Aoki Hinako1,Katsaros Christos2,Motomura Taizo3,Nagasato Chikako3ORCID


1. Graduate School of Environmental Science Hokkaido University Sapporo Japan

2. Department of Biology National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Athens Greece

3. Muroran Marine Station Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University Muroran Japan


SUMMARYIn many brown algae, cytokinesis is accomplished through the centrifugal expansion of the membrane structure formed by the fusion of Golgi vesicles and flat cisternae. In contrast, it has been reported that cytokinesis inSphacelaria rigidulaprogresses centripetally by adding Golgi vesicles and flat cisternae to cleaving furrows of the plasma membrane. The reason why this cytokinetic pattern was observed only inSphacelariaspecies is unknown. In either cytokinesis pattern, a plate‐like actin structure (the actin plate) coincides with the cytokinetic plane between the daughter nuclei. However, it is unclear how the actin plate is related to cytokinesis progression. In this study, we re‐examined cytokinesis in the apical cells ofS. rigidulausing transmission electron microscopy. Double staining of the actin plate and the developing membrane was followed by fluorescence microscopy analysis to determine the relationship between these two formations. The results showed that cytokinesis inS. rigidula, as in many brown algae, was completed by centrifugal growth of the new cell partition membrane. A furrow of the plasma membrane was observed at the beginning of cytokinesis; however, further invagination did not occur. The actin plate arose at the center of the cytokinetic plane before membrane fusion and extended parallel to the expansion of the new cell partition membrane. When cytokinesis was slow due to insufficient Golgi vesicle supply to the cytokinetic plane in the cells under brefeldin A treatment, the extension of the actin plate was also suspended. In this study, the spatiotemporal relationship between the occurrence and expansion of the actin plate and the new cell partition membrane was revealed. These observations indicate that the actin plate might promote membrane fusion or lead to the growth of a new cell partition membrane.




Aquatic Science,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous),Plant Science







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