1. Dept of Ecology and Evolution (DEE) -; Univ. of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. CR also at: Centre de Recherches sur les Ecosystèmes d altitude CREA, Observatoire du Mont-Blanc, Chamonix, France. DP also at: Fauna and Flora International, London, UK. WH also at: Konrad Lorenz Inst. for Evolution and Cognition Research, Klosterneuburg, Austria. AG also at: Inst. of Earth Surface Dynamics (IDYST), Univ. of Lausanne; Lausanne Switzerland
2. Vital-IT group, SIB Swiss Inst. of Bioinformatics, Génopode, Lausanne, Switzerland. RE and NS also at: SIB Swiss Inst. of Bioinformatics, Génopode; Lausanne Switzerland
3. INRA, UR874-Grassland Ecosystem Research Unit; Clermont-Ferrand France
4. Landscape Ecology, Inst. of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Zürich, Switzerland. LP, FTB and CR also at: Swiss Federal Research Inst. WSL; Birmensdorf Switzerland