1. 1. L. R. Brown, 1975 . The politics and responsibility of the North American breadbasket. Worldwatch Paper 2. 1975 .
2. The Southern Corn Leaf Blight Epidemic
3. 3. Agronomy Abstracts. 1975 . American Society of Agronomy. Madison, Wisc. Provides abstracts of most of the symposium papers. Speakers, by subject, are as follows: Legumes,
4. 3a. D. K. Barnes, N. L. Taylor, A. W. Hovin, K. H. Asay, E. C. Bashaw, J. N. Jenkins, P. A. Fryxell, R. R. Bridge, R. W. Romig, K. J. Frey, V. A. Johnson, R. L. Bernard, E. E. Hartwig, R. O. Hammons, D. J. Banks, C. E. Claasen, M. S. Zuber, M. M. Goodman, C. W. Crum, O. J. Webster, D. T. Rosenow, A. L. Hooker, J. R. Harlan, M. Gutierrez, Q. Jones, and W. L. BrownGrasses, Cotton, Small grains (wheat), Soybeans, Peanuts, Safflower and sunflowers, Maize, Sorghum, Pathology, Genetic Resources, Plant Breeding,
5. Genetics of incompatibility in alsike clover, Trifolium hybridum