1. 1. SLD Physics Report-1 (1988 ), unpublished.
2. 2. SLD Design Report, SLAC-Report-273 (1988 ).
3. 3. See the reports (1989) of YEH, G. P. (CDF), PARKER, A. (UA2), and CLINE, D. (UA1), Ann. NY Acad. Sci. This volume.
4. 4. J. Kent, 1989 . Precision Measurements of the SLC Beam Energy. SLAC-PUB-4922.
5. 5. In fact, with the experience gained while operating the SLC, it is hoped that this error might be reduced to just over 20 MeV. See the report of Rouse, F. (Mark II), Ann. NY Acad. Sci. This volume.