Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor prescribing before, during and after pregnancy: a population-based study in six European regions


Charlton RA1,Jordan S2,Pierini A3,Garne E4,Neville AJ5,Hansen AV4,Gini R6,Thayer D7,Tingay K7,Puccini A8,Bos HJ9,Nybo Andersen AM10,Sinclair M11,Dolk H12,de Jong-van den Berg LTW9


1. Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology; University of Bath; Bath UK

2. Department of Nursing; College of Human and Health Sciences; Swansea University; Swansea UK

3. Institute of Clinical Physiology - National Research Council (IFC-CNR); Pisa Italy

4. Paediatric Department; Hospital Lillebaelt; Kolding Denmark

5. IMER (Emilia Romagna Registry of Birth Defects); Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Ferrara; Ferrara Italy

6. Agenzia Regionale di Sanità Della Toscana; Florence Italy

7. Centre for Health Information, Research and Evaluation; Swansea University; Swansea UK

8. Drug Policy Service; Emilia Romagna Region Health Authority; Bologna Italy

9. Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics Unit; Department of Pharmacy; University of Groningen; Groningen the Netherlands

10. Department of Public Health; University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen Denmark

11. Maternal, Fetal and Infant Research Centre; University of Ulster; Ulster UK

12. Institute of Nursing; University of Ulster; Ulster UK


European Commission




Obstetrics and Gynecology

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