1. Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology; University of Bath; Bath UK
2. Department of Nursing; College of Human and Health Sciences; Swansea University; Swansea UK
3. Institute of Clinical Physiology - National Research Council (IFC-CNR); Pisa Italy
4. Paediatric Department; Hospital Lillebaelt; Kolding Denmark
5. IMER (Emilia Romagna Registry of Birth Defects); Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Ferrara; Ferrara Italy
6. Agenzia Regionale di Sanità Della Toscana; Florence Italy
7. Centre for Health Information, Research and Evaluation; Swansea University; Swansea UK
8. Drug Policy Service; Emilia Romagna Region Health Authority; Bologna Italy
9. Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics Unit; Department of Pharmacy; University of Groningen; Groningen the Netherlands
10. Department of Public Health; University of Copenhagen; Copenhagen Denmark
11. Maternal, Fetal and Infant Research Centre; University of Ulster; Ulster UK
12. Institute of Nursing; University of Ulster; Ulster UK