1. Eurotransplant Reference Laboratory Leiden University Medical Center Leiden the Netherlands
2. Laboratory of Translational Immunology University Medical Center UtrechtUtrecht University Utrecht the Netherlands
3. Radboud University Medical Center Radboud Institute for Molecular Life SciencesLaboratory MedicineLaboratory of Medical Immunology Nijmegen the Netherlands
4. Radboud University Medical Center Department of Nephrology Radboud Institute for Health Sciences Nijmegen the Netherlands
5. Department of Nephrology and Hypertension University Medical Center UtrechtUtrecht University Utrecht the Netherlands
6. Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care University Medical Center UtrechtUtrecht University Utrecht the Netherlands
7. Department of Nephrology University of GroningenUniversity Medical Center Groningen Groningen the Netherlands
8. Department of Laboratory Medicine University of GroningenUniversity Medical Center Groningen Groningen the Netherlands
9. Department of Transplantation Immunology Tissue Typing LaboratoryMaastricht University Medical Centre Maastricht the Netherlands
10. Department of Internal Medicine Division of Nephrology Maastricht University Medical Centre Maastricht the Netherlands
11. Department of Nephrology Amsterdam University Medical CenterVrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands
12. Department of Immunogenetics Sanquin Diagnostic Services Amsterdam the Netherlands
13. Department of Internal Medicine Amsterdam University Medical CenterUniversity of AmsterdamRenal Transplant Unit Amsterdam the Netherlands
14. Dutch Organ Transplant Registry (NOTR) Dutch Transplant Foundation (NTS) Leiden the Netherlands
15. Department of Nephrology Leiden University Medical Center Leiden the Netherlands
16. Department of Nephrology Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam the Netherlands
17. Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion Leiden University Medical Center Leiden the Netherlands