1. Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth UK
2. Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding I, Research Centre for Biosystems, Land Use and Nutrition (iFZ) Justus Liebig University Gießen Germany
3. Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, School of Biological Sciences University of Aberdeen Aberdeen UK
4. Department of Biobased Resources in the Bioeconomy (340b), Institute of Crop Science University of Hohenheim Stuttgart Germany
5. Kroge‐Ehrendorf Lohne Germany
6. UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Lancaster Environment Centre Lancaster UK
7. Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) Pikermi Attikis Greece
8. Department of Sustainable Crop Production Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Piacenza Italy
9. Institute of Genetics and Plant Physiology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Chisinau Republic of Moldova
10. Institute for Landscape Ecology and Resources Management (ILR), Research Centre for Biosystems, Land Use and Nutrition (iFZ) Justus Liebig University Giessen Giessen Germany
11. Centre for International Development and Environmental Research (ZEU) Justus Liebig University Giessen Germany
12. Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) University of Catania Catania Italy
13. Terravesta Ltd, Unit 4, Riverside Court Lincoln UK
14. Team Earth Informatics Wageningen Environmental Research Wageningen Netherlands
15. School of Chemical and Process Engineering University of Leeds Leeds UK
16. Institute for Crop and Soil Science, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants Julius Kühn Institute Braunschweig Germany
17. Countryside & Community Research Institute University of Gloucestershire Gloucestershire UK
18. Energene Seeds Limited, AIEC Office Block, Gogerddan Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth UK
19. Institute for Agricultural Policy and Market Research Justus Liebig University Giessen Giessen Germany
20. Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas Katowice Poland
21. Dipartmento di Scienze Veterinarie University of Messina, Polo Universitario dell'Annunziata Messina Italy
22. National Farmers' Union Stoneleigh Park UK
23. Plant Breeding Wageningen University and Research Wageningen Netherlands
24. Department of Applied Ecology Geisenheim University Geisenheim Germany
25. Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University Hokkaido Japan