1. 20. National Institutes of Health, Office for Protection from Research Risks, Protecting Human Subjects: Institutional Review Board Handbook (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1993): At 4–23.
2. 22. Halushka v. University of Saskatchewan, (1965) 93 D.L.R. 2d 436; and Kus v. Sherman Hospital, 644 N.E.2d 1214 (Ill. App. 1995).
3. 7. Medical Research Council of Canada, Guidelines on Research Involving Human Subjects (Ottawa: Minister of Supply & Services, 1987).
4. 2. Id.
5. “Ethics and Placebo-Controlled Thrombolytic Trials: The Future,”;Freedman;Coronary Artery Disease,1991