Recent advances in whiskey analysis for authentication, discrimination, and quality control


Okolo Chioke A.12ORCID,Kilcawley Kieran N.34ORCID,O'Connor Christine2ORCID


1. FOCAS Research Institute Technological University Dublin Dublin Ireland

2. School of Food Science & Environmental Health Technological University Dublin Dublin Ireland

3. Food Quality & Sensory Science Department Teagasc Food Research Centre Co Cork Ireland

4. School of Food and Nutritional Sciences College of Science Engineering and Food Science University College Cork Cork Ireland


AbstractIn order to safeguard authentic whiskey products from fraudulent or counterfeit practices, high throughput solutions that provide robust, rapid, and reliable solutions are required. The implementation of some analytical strategies is quite challenging or costly in routine analysis. Qualitative screening of whiskey products has been explored, but due to the nonspecificity of the chemical compounds, a more quantitative confirmatory technique is required to validate the result of the whiskey analysis. Hence, combining analytical and chemometric methods has been fundamental in whiskey sample differentiation and classification. A comprehensive update on the most relevant and current analytical techniques, including spectroscopic, chromatographic, and novel technologies employed within the last 5 years in whiskey analysis for authentication, discrimination, and quality control, are presented. Furthermore, the technical challenges in employing these analytical techniques, future trends, and perspectives are emphasized.


Irish Research Council




Food Science

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