1. Stroke Centre and Neurology; University Hospital Basel; Basel Switzerland
2. Department of Neurology; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and University of Lausanne; Lausanne Switzerland
3. Stroke Unit; Department of Neuroscience; Nuovo Ospedale Civile S. Agostino-Estense, AUSL Modena; Modena Italy
4. Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences; Neurology Clinic; University of Brescia; Brescia Italy
5. Department of Neurology; Kantonsspital St Gallen; St Gallen Switzerland
6. Department of Neurology; University Hospital Antwerp; Edegem Belgium
7. Department of Neurology; University Hospital Berne; Berne Switzerland
8. Neurorehabilitation Unit; University Centre for Medicine of Aging and Rehabilitation; Felix Platter Hospital; Basel Switzerland