1. 1943 . Mobile: Industrial Seaport and Trade Center (Chicago: Department of Geography, University of Chicago). 167 pp.Lithoprinted.
2. 1957 . An Economic Analysis of Philippine Domestic Transportation (with R. O. Shreve, H. E. Robison, R. K. Arnold, J. W. Landregan, and J. A. McCunniff). Prepared for the National Economic Council of the Philippines. (Menlo Park, California: Stanford Research Institute). 7 Vols., 1129 pp.
3. 1957 . American Commodity Flow: A Geographical Interpretation of Rail and Water Traffic Based on Principles of Spatial Interchange (Seattle: University of Washington Press). 215 pp.Reprinted 1959, 1957 .
4. 1961 -
5. 1962 . The Meramec Basin: Water and Economic Development (with Ronald R. Boyce and Donald J. Volk). Report of the Meramec Basin Research Project. (St. Louis, Missouri: Meramec Basin Research Project, Washington University). 3 Vols .