1. Uniform Determination of Death Act. 12 Uniform Laws Annotated 320 (1990 Supp.)
2. It is important to distinguish betweenconceptsof death, which must involvedefinitionsof death, correspondingcriteriafor death andtestsfor death. When I discuss death concepts, death definitions, death criteria and tests for death, however, I will allow myself to refer to these as ‘death concepts and their implications.’
3. R.D. Truog. 1998. Is It Time to Abandon Brain Death? InThe Ethics of Organ Transplantation.A.L Caplan and D.H. Coelho, eds. New York: Prometheus Books.
4. The Brain and Somatic Integration: Insights Into the Standard Biological Rationale for Equating Brain Death With Death
5. Death, dying and donation: organ transplantation and the diagnosis of death