The Potential of Halal Culinary Development in the Middle of Urgency of Supplying The Culinary Needs of Muslim Tourists in North Toraja (Case Study on Mentirotiku Resort)


Takdir ,Annisa Ainun Lestari ,Nurfadilah


Tana Toraja district in South Sulawesi is one of the tourist destinations that is always crowded from various regions in Indonesia. One of the tourist attractions that are currently popular is Mentirotiku Resort in North Toraja. Tourists who come are dominated by Muslims while the majority of Tana Toraja’s population is Christian.This is what raises concern in the minds of tourists about the uncertainty of the halal status of culinary around the tourists spot. This study aims to determine the potential of halal culinary in tourists destinations in Tana Toraja. This study was conducted using direct observation and interviews. The result of this study indicate that 1) Availablility of halal culinary needs at Mentirotiko Resort has not been implemented because it does not in accordance with GMTI standards while Muslim travelers really need it. 2)Halal food in North Toraja, especially at Mentiroku Resort, has the potential to be developed with the large number of Muslim tourists


UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

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