Cylindrocarpon and Fusarium root colonization of Douglas-fir seedlings from British Columbia reforestation sites


Axelrood Paige E,Chapman William K,Seifert Keith A,Trotter David B,Shrimpton Gwen


Poor performance of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) plantations established in 1987 has occurred in southwestern British Columbia. Affected sites were planted with 1-year-old container stock that exhibited some root dieback in the nursery. A study was initiated in 1991 to assess Cylindrocarpon and Fusarium root infection in planted and naturally regenerating (natural) Douglas-fir seedlings from seven affected plantations. Percentages of seedlings harboring Cylindrocarpon spp.and percent root colonization were significantly greater for planted seedlings compared with natural seedlings. A significant linear trend in Cylindrocarpon root colonization was observed for planted seedlings with colonization levels being highest for roots closest to the remnants of the root plug and decreasing at distances greater than 10cm from that region. This trend in Cylindrocarpon colonization was not observed for natural seedlings. Cylindrocarpon destructans (Zins.) Scholten var. destructans and C.cylindroides Wollenw. var. cylindroides were the only species isolated from planted and natural conifer seedlings. For most sites, percentage of seedlings harboring Fusarium spp.and percent Fusarium root colonization were less than for Cylindrocarpon. Recovery of Fusarium spp.from seedlings and root colonization levels were not significantly different for planted and natural seedlings from all sites.


Canadian Science Publishing


Ecology,Forestry,Global and Planetary Change







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