1. Honeywell Aerospace, Mississauga ON, Canada
2. Dept. of ECE, University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON, Canada
Macro-micro systems allow high-resolution positioning over greater ranges of operation that would be achievable with precision positioning systems. Piezoceramic actuators have established themselves as the principle technology for commercial micro-positioning applications, and the trend in research is to push the limits of resolution down to the nanometer and sub-nanometer scales. Other smart materials offer the potential for lightweight, continuous actuation over small ranges, and hence may be useful in micro-positioning applications. This work focuses on the potential for SMA actuators to enable low-cost micro-positioning. Compared to piezos, SMA offer longer range and lower actuation voltages, enabling lower-cost drive electronics and removing the need for costly precision mechanical amplification stages. A prototype single-axis macro-micro positioning system is described, with a macro range of 200 mm and relative positioning precision of better than 5 5μm. The micro stage is driven by an NM70 SMA actuator from NanoMuscle. Macro and micro stages are modelled and controllers developed, and experimental system performance is evaluated. The success of the system provides an inexpensive platform for the study of macro-micro positioning issues such as stage coupling, friction, and drive flexibility, as well as for the position control of SMA.
Canadian Science Publishing
Cited by
7 articles.