Effect of some surfactants on the chemiluminescent reactions of bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)oxalate and bis(2-nitrophenyl)oxalate with hydrogen peroxide


Dantoni Patrícia1,Rodrigues Ana Clara B.1,Matsuda Margareth Mie N.2,Coichev Nina3


1. Centro de Ciências Naturais e Humanas, Universidade Federal do ABC, R. Santa Adélia, 166, CEP 09210-270, Santo André, SP, Brazil.

2. Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN-CNEN/SP, Diretoria de Radio Farmácia), Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2242, CEP 05508-900, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.

3. Instituto de Química. Universidade de São Paulo, CP 26077, CEP 05513-970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.


The chemiluminescent reactions of bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)oxalate (TCPO) and bis(2-nitrophenyl)oxalate (2-NPO) with hydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile/water micellar systems (anionic, cationic, and non-ionic) and γ-cyclodextrin were studied in the presence of fluoranthene or 9,10-diphenylanthracene, imidazole, and two buffer solutions, HTRIS+/TRIS and H2PO4/HPO42–. The relative chemiluminenscence (CL) intensity is higher in the presence of the cationic (DDAB, CTAC, DODAC, and OTAC), anionic (SDS), and non-ionic (Tween 80) surfactants. In the presence of some non-ionic surfactants (Brij 35, Brij 76, and Tween 20), the CL intensity was partially quenched compared with the reaction with no surfactant. The sensitivity for hydrogen peroxide determination in the range 0.01 × 10−4 to 1.0 × 10−4 mol L–1, considering the slope of the calibration curves (maximum peak height of CL vs. concentration), improved with the introduction of DDAH, CTAB, and SDS in HTRIS+/TRIS buffer.


Canadian Science Publishing


Organic Chemistry,General Chemistry,Catalysis

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