1. Barbolini, M., Domaas, U., Faug, T., Gauer, P., Hakonardottir, K.M., Harbitz, C.B., Issler, D., Johannesson, T., Lied, K., and Naaïm, M. 2009. The design of avalanche protection dams recent practical and theoretical developments. Climate Change and Natural Hazard Research – Series 2, Project Report No. EUR 23339. European Commission, Brussels.
2. Bartelt, P., Volkwein, A., and Wendeler, C. 2009. Full-scale testing and dimensioning of flexible debris flow barriers. Summary Report, 2005–2008 CTI-Project: Numerical modeling and design of flexible debris flow barriers. Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf, Switzerland.
3. Debris flow hazard mitigation: A simplified analytical model for the design of flexible barriers
4. Measurements of hillslope debris flow impact pressure on obstacles
5. Debris flow risk mitigation by the means of rigid and flexible barriers – experimental tests and impact analysis