1. 1. H.Merte, H.S.Lee, and R.B.Keller. 1995 . Report on pool boiling experiment flown on STS-47 (PBE-IA), STS-57 (PBE-IB), STS-60 (PBE-IC). NASA Contract NAS 3-25812 , Report No. UM-MEAM-95-01, Department ofMechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
2. 2. H.Merte, H.S.Lee, and R.B.Keller. 1998 . Dryout and rewetting in the pool boiling experiment flown on STS-72 (PBE-IIB), STS-77 (PBE-IIA) . Final Report NASA Grant NAG-1684, Report No. UM-MEAM-98-01, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
3. Pool Boiling Curve in Microgravity
4. 5. H.S.Lee, H.Merte, and F.Chiaramonte. 1998 . Pool boiling phenomena in microgravity. Heat transfer 1998 . Kyongju, Korea: 395 -399 .