1. Incentives for Partitioning High-Level Waste
2. H. C. BURKHOLDER, M. O. CLONINGER, D. A. BAKER, and G. JANSEN, “Incentives for Partitioning High-Level Waste,” BNWL-1927, Battelle-Pacific Northwest Laboratories (1975).
3. E. L. J. ROSINGER and K. K. R. TREMAINE, “GARD-A Computer Program for the Geochemical Assessment of Radionuclide Disposal,” AECL-6318, Atomic Energy of Canada, Limited (1978).
4. W. V. DeMIER, M. O. CLONINGER, H. C. BURKHOLDER, and P. J. LIDDELL, “GETOUT–A Computer Program for Predicting Radionuclide Decay Chain Transport Through Geologic Media,” PNL-2970, Battelle-Pacific Northwest Laboratories (1979).
5. E. L. J. ROSINGER and K. K. R. TREMAINE, “GARD2–A Computer Program for Geosphere Systems Analysis,” AECL-6432, Atomic Energy of Canada, Limited (1980).