1. Incentives for Partitioning High-Level Waste
2. also, BNWL-1927, Battelle-Pacific Northwest Laboratories (1976).
3. M. D. HILL and P. D. GRIMWOOD, “Preliminary Assessment of the Radiological Protection Aspects of Disposal of High-Level Waste in Geologic Formations,” NRPB-R69, National Radiological Protection Board (1978).
4. S. E. LOGAN and M. C. BERBAN, “Development and Application of a Risk Assessment Method for Radioactive Waste Management,” EPA 520/6-78-OO5, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1978).
5. J. E. CAMPBELL et al, “Risk Methodology for Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste: Interim Report,” SAND 78-0029 (NUREG/CR-0458), Sandia Laboratory (1978).