1. General Features of Advanced Pressurized Water Reactors with Improved Fuel Utilization
2. M. DALLE DONNE and W. HAME, “Parametric Thermohydraulic Study of an Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor with a Tight Fuel Lattice,” KfK-3453, EUR-7059e, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (1982).
3. M. DALLE DONNE and W. HAME, “A Critical Heat Flux Correlation for Advanced Pressurized Light Water Reactor Application,” KfK-3279, EUR-7057e, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (1982).
4. “Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory Pressurized Water Reactor Project Technical Progress Report,” WAPD-MRP-92, Westinghouse Electric Corporation (April-June 1961).