1. “Risikoorientierte Analyse zum SNR-300,” GRS-51, Gesellschaft fur Reaktorsicherheit (Oct. 1982).
2. The SCARABEE facility — Its main characteristics and the experimental program
3. The joint AEA/CEA/KFK interpretation of the SCARABEE programme
4. W. R. BOHL et al. “An Analysis of the Unprotected Loss of Flow Accident in the Clinch River Breeder Reactor with an End of Equilibrium Cycle Core,” ANL/RAS 77-15, Argonne National Laboratory (May 1977).
5. V. JAVERI and V. LUGENHEIM, “Analyse des Kühlmitteldurchsatz-Störfalls für den Mark 1A Kern des SNR-300 mit dem Rechenprogramm SAS3D,” p. 387, Reaktortagung, Berlin (Mar. 1980).