1. WM. H. PENNEY, H. W. BUSCHMAN, and R. A. WASHBURN, “Disassembly and Phase I Examination of EBR-II Superheater SU-712,” ANL-82-16, Argonne National Laboratory (May 1982).
2. K. J. LONGUA, D. L. PORTER, R. G. PAHL, J. A. BUZZEL, and G. D. HUDMAN, “Materials Examinations of the Components of EBR-II Superheater SU-712,” ANL-83-103, Argonne National Laboratory (Mar. 1984).
3. L. C. HYMES, ANL-FF-607K, Argonne National Laboratory (July 27, 1959) (unpublished data).
4. L. C. HYMES, ANL-FF-607n, Argonne National Laboratory (Aug. 6, 1959) (unpublished data).