1. M. J. F. Notley and J. R. MacEwan, “The Effect of UO2Density on Fission Product Gas Release and Sheath Expansion,” CRNL Report AECL-2230, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ont. (1965).
2. Temperature distribution in UO2 fuel elements
3. A. M. Ross, “The Dependence of the Thermal Conductivity of Uranium Dioxide on Density, Microstructure, Stoichiometry and Thermal-Neutron Irradiation,” CRNL Report AECL-1096, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ont. (1960).
4. M. J. F. Notley, A. S. Bain, and J. A. L. Robertson, “The Longitudinal and Diametral Expansions of UO2Fuel Elements,” CRNL Report AECL-2143, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ont. (1965).
5. M. J. F. Notley, A. S. Bain, S. Ananthakrishnan, and G. W. Parry, “Zircaloy Sheathed UO2Fuel Elements Irradiated at Values of∫λdθBetween 40 and 83 Wmcm,” CRNL Report AECL-1685, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ont. (1962).